Passing Senses

“Recollections of the loss of a father”.

The eyes tell all, the touch is dry. You look and think and wonder why.
Their painful glare, as if to say, “Please help me, here, right now I pray.”
The hands point out to lands unknown – they have the look, they feel alone.
The feeling gained is pain for all; the one leaving, those left to call.
The air you breathe, while death stands bold, is not relief, though you are told.
You want more time, there’s none to take. You check your heart, it’s sure to break.
They slip away, you stand and stare – it’s just not right, it can’t be fair.
Their smile is closed, they talk no more, but look to God, your spirit soar!
Our God took death and made it His. The reason’s plain, it’s clearly this:
He slipped away in front of man, but still can take us by the hand.
He took our sins and shame that day. He did it in the only way.
We must look on and see His cross – to know that it was not a loss.
To view what Christmas has done for man. To know He’s doing all He can
To bring a world to know this fact, that God did bring His Son right back.
A Father’s loss was ours to gain, if we can see it in our pain.
This has been told to say to you, I miss my Dad; He’s with his Father new.
I wish you would have known my Dad – the funny lines, though heart was sad.
The only thing that brings me through is knowing Jesus walked there too.
But more important is this part, to know Christ Jesus in your heart.
A father’s death – The Father’s loss . . . Come together in the Shadow of a Cross.