The Seed of Growth

As we gather at this spot where we met almost 17 years ago to plant this tree for mom
and dad, let us be mindful of the changes to this tree since that time.

Remember, a seed goes in the ground, but in this case, we did nothing to foster its growth: we did not come by to water or prune it, nor did we assess its growth through these intermediary years.

All we knew is that it was planted as a tribute to mom and dad. It grew because of others.

This is similar to the seed of death, as it occurs in one’s life. We think we are stagnant by the loss — and we are for a time. That death seed plops itself into the soil of our life and interrupts everything present. It doesn’t ask prior to its planting. We have no choice but to receive it.

Then something interesting happens over the years. God initiates life through death, much as the ultimate Life-Giver, which came through the death of Christ Himself.

We don’t think we have anything to offer, but God sees to it that people, music, events occur to water our life and God sends the true Son into our life to bring the only true hope.

Just like we have done nothing to make this tree grow, so we’ve been unaware, more than likely, of the growth that has come to us because of the seed of death. It’s not been easy, of course, but let this be a reminder that God’s circle is always complete. He shows it in nature and reveals it through His Son.