A Mother’s Own Sister

A mother’s own sister is special, for sure. Take Ollie – it’s true here of her. These years long apart, She’s still in our heart. In thinking of her, our spirits stir. Connected we are by sisters of two. How close they were and we are too. When I think of my Lynn, I can’t […]

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My Twin

In marriage, two become one. When you are a twin, one becomes two. This poem is about that process, and the gratefulness I have that I share this journey with someone very special. God did not bring me to this earth, in birth to be alone. He sent a twin to come with me, someone […]

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Menu For a Great Evening

Take one (1) bunch of family bananas, Split them into two groups for baking. Throw in some sweet cream (Matt is home), And sprinkle with Kristopher, the sweetie. Keep at this concoction for about 2½ hours, Or until the mixture gets totally crusty. For the kiddys, give a “Gary” menu. I understand he could be […]

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Family Values

Dependent on what families are, the values seem to shift. We must return, and then, re-learn what caused this mighty rift. Man changed the standards they held dear, and fashioned it for time. The problem that exists is this: we cannot make this climb. The family has been re-arranged, much like this world, you know. […]

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