Our Yellow Rose

Our Yellow Rose appeared one day. It came to bless us on our way. And when we saw that little bud appear, to that flower we drew ever near. Yellow Rose, Oh don’t you know, how we watched you grow. You bloomed into a very lovely flower, affecting everyone you’d know. You were no ordinary […]

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Heaven’s Prelude

I cannot listen here too long. Boredom I disown. Please, please get my interest now or I will just go home. The draw of caring clergy, try to meet every concern can somehow, too, diminish church. A tricky balance turn. Church, in its core is pronounced clear: A prelude to God’s world. That timeless space […]

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Frank’s Grand Birthday Celebration

As the family prepared to gather to enjoy this birthday time, of a father’s century living – in itself so blessed, sublime. There the celebration of his birthday was translated beyond this earth, where Frank found his spiritual birth date through the cross of Christ’s own worth. We do know the candles on the birthday […]

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He Made Room

This gentleman, who I never met, made room for all, you see. He made room for fun and fellowship, inviting folks to the barn annually. He was instrumental in securing parking for the folks to come each day to serve and seek the face of God through the Oakdale narrow way. He made room for […]

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Written for Harold Schmandt in memory of his brother, Harvey, who taught us to sing the story of Old Dunderbak. The story of Old Dunderbak was shared down through the years. And now, recall Old Dunderbak amongst the grieving tears. The man who coined Old Dunderbak would sing it to der kin. So, when you […]

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The Song of Life

There’s a song along life’s journey; its crescendo is delayed. When changes start to gather in the scales of every day. Though it’s building to that moment when the music seems complete. a measure of dull tuning finds a place we must repeat. Here the notes are full in real time; nothing’s flat or sharp […]

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They Woke to Light

They woke to light; we woke to dread. They scaled the height; our depth we tread. For them, no hurt; we writhe in pain. They’ve gained the Son; our dark remains. New focus clear; our minds begin To see their place – eternal spin. The time’s at hand, survey their ground. What we have lost, […]

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Pearl in the Chest

A treasure chest is found scattered among the weeds and moss. To divers it appears at first that all valuables are lost. Behold, open that lock and look – the vault of gems therein. To share the prize of these inside, we hardly can begin. Their worth exceeds the picture drawn, if searchers truth they […]

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The Soil of Change

The soil on which we’re standing was disturbed so long ago. It changed our life’s foundation and brought tears and much sorrow. Now the soil, in its resting movement, does contain the buds of life. The flowers bloom in heaven for this husband and his dear wife. And we stand upon the promise that a […]

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The Rose Has Bloomed

The rose – supreme in gardens’s view. Fragrant, embracing its bloom. Marks each new petal with its aroma. Come to this welcoming room. There once was a rose – bloomed late in life, Watered by God’s word. Opened wide, embraced by His side. The greatest growth she ever heard. She found out that God’s grace […]

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