The Earthly Tabernacle of God

Scripture References: Hebrews 8:1-7; Teaching Topics:

The sanctuary, Tabernacle, was for God, not man. The sanctuary or tabernacle of man is equally for God and not himself. Under Divine architecture, maintenance and Supervision, the Tabernacle is a place for God’s presence and man’s service.

  1. Outer Court
    1. Frame of Tabernacle- Exodus 26:6
      1. on twelve pillars – meant to bring tribes into presence.
      2. clasps of gold joined to make Tabernacle a unit. God joins believers through deity of Christ and we have a unit of the Body of Christ.
      3. Curtains of fine linen – righteousness of saints.
    2. Brazen altar – Exodus 27: 18
      1. Brass stands for judgment – fire.
      2. four equal corners speak of four-fold gospel, nature of Christ.
      3. all utensils made of brass; judgment is on sacrifices.
      4. Coming into presence requires judgment first – I Peter 14:17
        1. sin must be reconciled.
        2. As this was also a place for people to plead for mercy at horns (Ex. 21:12-11+), so we plead there for mercy and not judgment.
    3. Laver
      1. Necessary for washing upon entrance of service and worship every time.
      2. For washing of hands and feet; remove defilement contacted from earth.
      3. We need washing daily after contact with world (I Cor. 6:11).
      4. John 13 talks of washing feet as sign of humility.
      5. Made of mirrors – Ex. 38:8 to see self (Prov. 27:19) and God (I Cor. 13:10).
      6. We need daily to recognize faults (mirror), and then cleanse them.
      7. Couldn’t be defiled when carrying or using utensils.
  2. Holy Place
    1. Candlestick – Numbers 8: 1 – 1+
      1. Must be kept burning perpetually – Lev. 24:2-1+.
      2. needs oil from beaten olives – oil to be mixed properly*
        1. beaten means “crushed, bruised”.
        2. Christ was bruised and beaten (Is. 53:10), that He would be exalted as both Lord and Christ (anointed one).
        3. Gethsemane means “olive press”; place where He was crushed.
        4. He becomes our eternal light – “I Am the Light of the World”.
      3. Needed daily maintenance – morning and night.
        1. we need daily Light of Scriptures or our light will go out,
        2. infused by oil (inspiration, anointing) of Holy Spirit,
        3. sometimes we need to be crushed through trials to come forth as Christ.
      4. Idea is in Rev. 1: 12-16; lamps are churches; message of Light.
    2. Table of Shew Bread – or Bread of the Presence
      1. “I Am the Bread of Life”.
      2. Weekly offering of 12 loaves – done on Sabbath.
        1. reminder of provision for people.
        2. only priests could partake; only priesthood of Christ can eat Word.
        3. churches provide weekly sustenance for believers.
      3. Made of fine flour – His perfect life (no leaven = sin).
        1. frankincense – stands for His preciousness.
        2. Song of Songs 1:3
      4. Two-fold idea of God’s Word; sheds light and is our food, as well as being a remembrance of God’s faithfulness and promises.
    3. Altar of Incense – Ex. 30 1 – 8
      1. Strategically put right before entrance of Holiest.
      2. Prayer brings us before God (Rev. 8: 1 – 4).
      3. Prayer, through Jesus (vail) brings us into presence.
      4. incense burned daily when lamps are trimmed. (We are to pray daily as we are reading God’s Word)
      5. Atonement is given there.
      6. No strange incense to be given – Ex. 30 9 – 10
        1. when offered properly, aroma will be accepted,
        2. otherwise God will smite those (Nadab and Abihu).
      7. Ingredients of incense
        1. ingredients in equal portions – Ex. 30:34-38; balanced life.
        2. additives: salt (preservatives); pure and holy.
      8. Not to be used as perfume – vs 38; for personal use (James)
  3. Holy of Holies – beyond the vail, entrance (I am the door).
    1. Ark of Testimony
      1. wood overlaid with gold, two-fold nature of Christ.
      2. mercy seat – can be either mercy or judgment seat; blood makes difference.
      3. cherubim – on vail and rent with it,
        1. shows a oneness on mercy seat.
        2. included in the curtains of the Tabernacle, signifying earth.
        3. rendering could mean redeemed man around the throne (Rev. 5).
    2. Other items
      1. Aaron’s rod – Numbers 17: 8 – 10
        1. typlified resurrection.
        2. kept as a reminder of one whom God anointed.
          1. Aaron, on earth.
          2. Christ, in heavenlies.
        3. kept as a reminder of victory over counterfeiting tactics.
      2. two tablets (Ex. 34:1)
        1. first set was broken after disobedience.
        2. second set safely deposited in ark.
        3. first law was broken; man could not keep it.
        4. second law is hidden in Christ.