The Tabernacle of God in the Wilderness of Sinai: A Study Introduction and Study of the Outer Court

Teaching Topics:

If you were going to build a house for yourself and your family, you would have specific plans drawn up, and you would oversee that the instructions are carried out to the minutest detail. The Tabernacle Is a place for God to dwell.

  1. The Names of the Tabernacle (There are seven, God’s perfect number)
    1. Tent-Ex. 39:32-34; movable, meeting place.
    2. Sanctuary-Ex. 25:8-Place of sacredness, holiness.
    3. Tabernacle – Lev. 1:1 – Emphasizes God’s dwelling among us.
    4. Tabernacle of Congregation-Ex. 27:21-One True Congregation.
    5. Tabernacle of Lord-I Ki. 2:28-Ultimately God’s House (I Cor. 6:19).
    6. Tabernacle of Testimony-Ex. 38:21-Sustenanóe of God in holiness.
    7. Tabernacle of Witness-Num. 17:7-8-Authority of Levites-Church.
  2. Position of Tabernacle and Materials Used
    1. Position
      1. In Wilderness – Was with the Israelites in Wilderness (As I was with them, so will I be with you). Psalm 46:5.
      2. In Center-“I Will Be InTheir Midst” – We are to look to Jesus as center of our life, church, service. Speaks of unity.
      3. Surrounded by tribes
        1. Levites closest to Tabernacle on the east.
        2. Other tribes equally distanced around Tabernacle-speaks of equality before God; none are given preeminence.
    2. Materials used
      1. Materials taken from their pilgrimage in Egypt (Ex. 3:21,22.).
      2. We can take good lessons, etc., from our pilgrimages in sinful world and use thorn for God’s service, if He so wills.
      3. People were to give willingly – Ex. 25:1-2.
        1. Those 20 years and older-beginning of military service.
        2. We are to give willingly – II Cor. 5:14.
        3. Gave more than was necessary,
        4. Were to give according to their life for a ransom, redemption.
          1. probably gave silver, the currency of the time.
          2. gave 1/2 of a shekel=32cents as a tax.
          3. rich were not to give more, poor not to give less (Ex. 30:14-15). 1. In redemption, there is no rich or poor, Jew or Greek.
    3. Made According to Pattern Shown
      1. Moses had been taken to the mount for an appointment with God.
      2. We are taken to higher places in God to reveal new things to us.
      3. Was to be according as God showed Moses, no deviation allowed.  According to heavenly tabernacle – Hebrews.
    4. Four Corners
      1. North-Hidden or secret, Armies come from north-enemies.
      2. South-Desert; copper in east part of Negev.
      3. East-lit, front, before, rising of sun, basic direction looked to by Semitic peoples; West=rear; North=left; South=right.
      4. West=Sea, setting of sun.
      5. All entrances of court and Tabernacle come through east; all other sides closed up. Judah is on east side, from which shall co
  3. Data On Tabernacle
    1. General Data
      1. Tabernacle court – wooden frame and linen.
      2. Tent of Meeting
      3. Within were three parts; Outer court-sacrifice is made, salvation; people are cleansed for service; Holy Place, place of service of priests; Holy of Holies, meeting place with God., surrender.
    2. Particulars of the Tabernacle Court
      1. Wooden frame-shjttah tree wood; heavy, hard, beautiful grain.
        1. indestructible by insects; grew undermost adverse conditions.
        2. can endure the elements of the day.
        3. The manhood of Christ-symbol of wood – was of an indestructible nature; He was beautiful; even worked with wood as carpenter.
      2. Boards were to stand up, as we are to have standing in Christ.
        1. Connected with rodsof silV?r-redemPti9fl.
        2. Rod is Word of God; Vie are connected in Christ, the living Word. First, come to God as human, with judgment, for redemption.
        3. Process of drying of boards:
          1. drying boards.
          2. stripped of natural beauty – Isaiah 53
          3. fit together with rods; Ephesians 2:21-22.
        4. held together by ropes and pegs, had hooks overlaid with silver and silver rings. Pegs of bronze-judgment.
          1. Linen Screen-Ex. 27::18
            1. Put on pillars seven and a half feet high-too high to climb over.
            2. Linen means righteousness-encircles with God’s righteousness.
            3. Linen was fine-twined; weaved; skilled craftsman. From Egypt.
            4. Connected on both ends by gate-30 feet wide, 20 cubits high.
            5. Colors: Four-fold gospel – pillars and sockets of four.
              1. blue-heaven-John-Godly nature;
              2. purple-royalty-Matthew-Kingly nature;
              3. scarlet-blood-Mark-the Suffering Servant;
              4. White-perfection-Luke-perfect Man.
            6. Enter courtyard through gate curtain, which is in east. (lift curtain from bottom and enter).
              1. When we come to God, we start at bottom.
              2. When God comes to us, He starts at top. Renting vail. k. Size of outer court
                1. Length (North and South walls) – 208 feet, l inches.
                2. Breadth (East and West sides) – 104 feet, 2 inches. C. Cost for Minerals
                  1. Gold – $850,542.35 – richest mineral; speaks of deity.
                  2. Siiver-193,136.00-sparce in Palestine, hence not much use; spoke of 1OO times in Bible, with 100 references to “money”. Could not be beaten into such fine sheets as could gold. Proverbs 17:3; Psalm 12:6. Used more for reinforcement and utensils. Speaks of redemption.
                  3. Bronze-S4,212.60-speaks of judgement; Christ’s feet are as bronze; foundation of courtyard.
      3. Size of each designated area
        1. Entire outer court was 150 feet by 15 feet; height-15 feet.
        2. Entire closure – 45 feet by 15 feet.
        3. Holy Place was 30 feet by 15 feet.
        4. Holiest Place was 15 feet by 15 feet by 15 feet.
        5. Notice that the closer we get to relationship to God, the more snail area.
      4. Some will spend their whole time in outer court, cleansing and confessing; others spend time in service.