Letters to the Editor

In response to the article, “Court Rules Fetus Not Human” (Friday, Dec 6, 1985 headline story), I am personally outraged at the court’s decision.

I, myself, was born seven weeks premature in 1956, and I feel it is an insult to my intelligence that the scientific and legalistic bodies of Minnesota intimate that I was not human at the time. God help a society where we absolve a drunkard of manslaughter, charges regarding this baby.

If we say that the child is indeed dead, we must concur that there was life previously. Science must realize that one cannot find the source of life until they start looking in the right direction: God. May this dear woman find solace in the fact that God Himself also lost His Son to this wicked world, but He gained our access into a greater world:

life with Him.

Rev. Jean Halvorson
Majesty Tabernacle
2404 E Hennepin Avenue
Mpls., MN 55415

July 5, 1988

KARE-11 Station Manager
411 Boone Avenue N
Golden Valley, MN 55427

Dear Sir or Madam:

I am writing in regards to the coverage that was given the rally at St. Paul Ramsey Hospital last Wednesday, June 29th.

First of all, you were the only station to even give it adequate coverage. The issue of pro-life seems to have been put on the back “burner” of issues to deal with tomorrow. Sadly, though, there will be no tomorrow if physicians continue to kill tomorrow’s pride.

I was disgusted that coverage was only given at the 6 p.m. report, though. More coverage was given to the 150 volunteers cleaning up garbage in St. Paul, and that was mentioned in ALL the news reports. I found it totally upsetting that we give more coverage to 150 people cleaning years of garbage than we do to 1,200 people standing against legal procedures which make babies into garbage. Imagine, that little baby expected by one of your employees. They showed the shower they gave for her. Can you see someone knowingly putting that baby into a garbage disposal and treating him/her as refuse? That would be an insult, wouldn’t it?

We are doing no less when we “suffocate” news stories that involve thousands of babies. Let’s not strangle the truth. I watch your news program “religiously” but I was so offended that no quotes or interviews were shown, even though I saw Melissa Young there.

Your station and news coverage has become number one. I trust that it did not happen because you were too afraid to deal honestly with issues that may very probably offend some of your viewing public.

You can stick the issue in the corner and abortionists can stick little babies into garbage cans. I, for one, and there are many of us, will continue to stand up and refuse to accept the media’s lack of coverage. Our future deserves better.

Sincerely, Rev. Jean Halvorson, Pastor of Majesty Tabernacle.

Regarding the tragedy in Waco, I thought it would be important to show the difference between Koresh’s ‘messiah’ and the true Messiah.

a. Koresh held his followers as hostages but Jesus came to give His life as a ransom;
b. Koresh led himself and others to the slaughter while Jesus was led alone as a Lamb to the be sacrificed for us;
c. Koresh’s remains were found in the rubble, but Jesus’ remains were never found. He arose bodily and defeated death;
d. Koresh mortally died and with him many hopes and dreams perished too. Jesus’ death and resurrection brought the Only hope and we do not have to die to receive it;
e. Koresh made a mess, but Jesus will come again and clean the mess for He is the True Messiah.

Rev. Jean Halvorson


I hope you can print this in its entirety, in memory of Donna Blanchard, who died in the arson fire in south Minneapolis.








Rev. Jean Halvorson, on behalf of Donna Blanchard’s family and friends. Officiant at Donna’s funeral service.

Cold met hot when arson lit up a house on a frigid January evening. The cold, calculating act of those who torched the home ignited the fury of a family. Now without its mother, grandmother, sister, aunt. Cold met hot and a great storm arose. This is written so that justice can come from the ashes; so that the death of this victim will not be trivialized or pushed back in favor of sympathetic views towards the unknown perpetrators. Remember Donna Blanchard and what happened to her. Certainly her family will never forget!

Justice demands this for them.

In the light of the horrific terrorist bombing in Oklahoma City today, a common phrase was uttered: “is this world coming to an end?”

The answer, unequivocably is “yes”. What we presently see and understand will change remarkably and we will see topography, ideologies, and atmosphere change. We will know then that the period is being pressed into the final statement of this age.

The world is also coming to a beginning-the beginning of eternity. Our only hope is to have a personal relationship with the One who transcended this age -Jesus Christ, the Ancient of Days.

While we certainly pray and grieve for the devastation in Oklahoma, we should also be alerted to the rumblings in the deep.

In the twilight of this world, Rev. Jean Halvorson

Religion is cited as the reason for terrorism-man’s twisted purpose to use God as a means to fuel their own rage. That is true in certain regards.

It is equally true that religion is the foundation of many universities, colleges, hospitals, clinics, missions, social agencies, and any efforts to better this society.

The difference being, whether one is using God for their purposes, or God is using them to further His grace.


Rev. Jean Halvorson

Remarks about the verdict in the Simpson trial: October 4, 1995.


The families of Nicole and Ron lost their hope for justice.

Many lost faith in the investigation procedure.

Race relations lost an opportunity for advancement.

The court system lost its standing in the community. Domestic violence victims lost hope in the process. All police officers lost with Mark Furhman.

The jury lost its anonymity.

African Americans lost their champion; this will not gain them any advantage in the system.

Jurors lost patience with the long trial. The defense team lost the dream – they sidelined the case. The coroner’s office lost key evidence. The judge lost control of the courtroom.

The prosecutors lost the case. Nicole and Ron lost their lives again, right in front of our eyes.

In the future, there will be a different court date.

No appeals will be allowed. There will be no dream team, no sequestration of a jury.

There will be no intricate blood analysis of D.N.A. There will be no question whose life blood will be in evidence: the blood of Jesus Christ – the Judge of all. Truth will be unquestionable…justice will be swift. There will be no television cameras there… you may not want anyone to see the outcome.

It is time to turn to the justice bar of God. May God, through Christ, have mercy on America.

The court date is already scheduled.

This letter is in regards to Doug Trouten’s editorial concerning the fire storm of the A.C.L.U. vs. Pat Robertson.

I concur wholeheartedly with Mr. Trouten’s view that the liberal persuasion is seeking to gain freedom “from” religion, as opposed to the constitutionally protected freedom “of” religion.

This effort to redefine the intent of the framers of the U.S. Constitution reminds me of a phrase that has been used in the present presidential administration – “reinventing government”.

We do not need to “reinvent” our standards of law; we need to remind our country of what has been long forgotten, namely, that our forefathers fought to keep God in this republic.

Let’s keep up the good fight!


Rev. Jean Halvorson

Regarding the June 18th article by Kristine Holmgren

(“Not Even this Murderer’s In-laws Cried out for his Blood), I take exception with the comment that “…blood lust must be bred into people.”

Since she was speaking about those who believe in the death penalty, I wanted to relay the following:

What is being bred in this society at large is that there are no consequences for aberrant behavior. We tolerate it, excuse it, and then find a bed and meal to protect it.

Perhaps a review of the word “penalty” would be helpful. Sports activities have penalties – or should we take such individuals into a holding room and counsel them? Penalties are in every facet of society. We have penalties for late charges, late filings, driver’s violations, for interest due, and so forth.

The purpose is to have a provision intact to protect those who operate within the rules, and punish those who do not. Should the death penalty be easy to enforce? No.

Is this punishment excessive? No, not if it fits the crime. Is it regrettable? Yes. We do value life and its fullness. Is it a deterrent? Probably not, but that is not its purpose. Will it bring back the decedent? No, of course not, but it may bring forth justice and honor to the life which was taken.

In my view, the barbaric nature lies in the soul of those who think they can get away with murder, and enabling that mindset with this type of rhetoric is a further fraying of our public soul.

The Bible says “Thou shall not kill”. It is remarkable to me that the emphasis is not on people keeping that law; the words have become an instrument against exacting justice.

The Bible meant “unjustifiable homicide”, for even in the Old Testament, six (6) cities of refuge were provided for crimes of innocence. We are not lusting for blood. We are crying out for the blood of those who purposely shed innocent blood. Abel’s blood still cries today, only we aren’t listening.

In thinking about the tragic loss of John F Kennedy, Jr., I keep coming back to his childhood antics in the Oval Office when he would pop out from the door of the presidential desk.

It brought to mind the immediate and intimate access he and his sister enjoyed. They did not need a schedule or social secretary to usher them in. Why? Because the president was their father.

In like manner, this reminds me of the immediate access we can have to the Heavenly Father. We can go to God because of the relationship available through His Own Son, Jesus Christ.

This seems to me as a great visual reminder of what our thoughts should be; namely, that John mirrored a great spiritual truth. Now his sister and family need that reflection.

The nature of violent crime seems more and more to be descending into the crib. Both victim and violator are at the age of innocence, yet we watch trying to pacify our minds with distractions, such as many are doing in light of this juvenile gang rape.

We must, instead, retrace the history of this earth family to a dark day when one brother killed the other. That first family felt the fury of rage. All because they chose to walk their way instead of God’s.

This shows me the closing of earth’s circle, and returning to where family dysfunction began, with Adam and Eve. Let’s go back to another crib – the stall in Bethlehem. Only Jesus Christ can lift mankind out of sin’s grip.

Rev. Jean Halvorson

In regards to the letter to the editor by Rhonda Arkley of Apple Valley (Keep Religion Out), I would like to cite the following:

This republic was formed for the express purpose of religious liberty. This liberty is an intrinsic fiber in the fabric of our society. Without this liberty, the fabric disintegrates and the republic falls .

The church-state issues relative to the First Amendment state that there must be a freedom OF religion, not a freedom FROM religion.

The framers included religious liberty and its function within the Constitution, not outside It.

Timothy McVeigh had the words to “Invictus” handed out to those persons present at his execution.

I submit that when his eyes closed to this world, he awoke to the true “Captain of his soul”:

The Captain of the Soul resides not in the flesh, no matter what delusion says of McVeigh or Dave Koresh.

The Captain’s in His solemn house, where soul and spirit meet. He’s found in true repentance beneath the Savior’s feet.

No poem can dictate man’s own heart, whether in part or whole, for it is Jesus Christ who truly is the Captain of the Soul”.

How could our national shield have been lowered, to enable the puncturing of our borders and allow these attacks?

Was it because the defense budget had been cut in the distant past, or was it due to the detectors in our airlines as being grossly inefficient? Maybe our intelligence agencies rely too much on computerization. Perhaps we just assumed we were impenetratable?

While these factors are indeed part of the equation, I believe there is an invisible shield which our country has abandoned. In this time of horror, people are understandably turning to draw strength from it.

It is curious to me that we seek a shield after the assault.

Why not keep our eyes on this shield always? It is not only a shield of protection, but a person of relationship.

“In God we trust” is not a mere commercial motto. It is the foundation of this republic. He is a shield to those who put their trust in Him. Let God back in!


Rev. Jean Halvorson

The Taliban government has recently released a British journalist (thank God) but refuses to release the detained missionaries – two of which are Americans.

I think this is because the journalist only tells the story; the missionaries have the story.

The difference is clear and we continue to pray for the safe return of all these soldiers of Christ.


Rev Jean Halvorson

I am very displeased with the federal appeal court’s ruling the Pledge of Allegiance cannot be spoken because it includes the phrase “under God”.

This phrase was added in 1954 during the presidency of General Dwight Eisenhower, a soldier who knew what it meant to yield to a superior. He rightly gave acquiescence to a higher perspective of the freedom we enjoy.

Some people feel this is anti-state, but we must not allow new streams of thought to alter the source of that free flowing system.

Colors of that freedom are brushed on our national buildings-monuments, universities, government buildings. It is reinforced on our currency, as money is a means and not the source of life.

It is sprinkled on our banking and legal documents with the phrase “…in the year of our Lord…”

This ruling appeals to no one ultimately, for those seeking “under God” removed will not be fully satisfied until all mention of God is gone, while those who embrace this heritage will see a foundation crumbling.

“Under God” is not offensive. It is defensive. At this time of warfare, in particular, we need to look to Someone beyond us.


Rev. Jean Halvorson

In your commentary on the 30th anniversary of “Roe v. Wade” (Our Perspective), you make a statement that is indefensible: “This is the day when a woman …changed the lives of women – and the meaning of the U.S. Constitution (paragraph 1).

Later you state, “_in the end, the ruling … was about American values” (paragraph 8). First of all, the Justices are not representatives of the people, so they do not speak for Americans. Secondly, they are appointed, to interpret the Constitution, not alter it. Therefore, the Justices did not speak for the people, nor for “Roe”, for even Norma recanted her position and speaks ardently against it.

In the end, Justice Blackmun did not speak for the American people nor for “Roe”. Other than themselves, for whom were these Justices speaking?


Rev. Jean Halvorson

When Rev. Gene Robinson stood on the platform at the Episcopal convention with his daughter and partner, he was announcing his ministry and sexuality as public, not the private issue which has been the core premise of those who say “whatever they do is their own business.”

Our society has been inundated with phrases like…”as long as it does not hurt anyone…” What about hurting the Creator by twisting His creative plan of marital relationship between one man and one woman?

Nature, reason, and God’s Word are joined in union as they cry out because God’s own house has forsaken His will to follow the flesh and let it dictate policy.

Civilizations die from the inward out because they deny the morality that lies at the center of this creation.

Therefore, “judgement must begin first at the house of God.” Wait till God speaks!

Rev. Jean Halvorson

I am curious as to why St. Paul is not dealing with getting rid of crime, poverty or the like, but can accomplish getting rid of the Easter Bunny; something that’s not even real.

They should deal with real issues and leave the Easter Bunny (which is the commercialization of Easter) to reflect the interests of the majority.

Maybe some folk at City Hall are hoping the Easter Bunny will hop out with the true message of Easter in its pouch – The Cross.

That will never happen! The Cross is held in the heart of God. Maybe St. Paul should consider its namesake and plan accordingly.

Respectfully, Rev Jean Halvorson


Though my generation remembers former President Gerald Ford through the hilarious “Saturday Night Live” parodies regarding his clumsiness, Mr. Ford actually set our republic back on its feet after Watergate.

He deserves great appreciation for that alone. Our country will be proud to stand with Mrs. Ford and her family in this difficult loss.

Rev Jean Halvorson

A 14-year old child wants to know what it is like to kill another person. At whatever level, he does have a thought process.

A 4-year old trusts her babysitter and has no thoughts beyond who is taking care of her. A judge thinks the background of the babysitter is a factor in the sentencing of this juvenile. A judicial system thinks 75 percent of the sentence equals the sentence.

The 14-year old gets a 21-year sentence — too little in my view — and he will serve 14 years.

I think this: What if we all paid 75 percent of our utilities, retail amounts, medical costs, mortgages and were not liable for the last 25 percent? That is preposterous.

The sentencing judge should know this is not fairness. He is not a counselor, social worker or occupational therapist. He is a judge held in high esteem to exact justice: mercy for the victim, justice for the perpetrator. No matter how sympathetic we all may feel toward the unfortunate plight of this teen-ager, we must bring the mallet down on the side of fairness for the victim.

No, we cannot bring her back, but we can keep justice alive. The judge failed in his public trust to do just that.

Note on Majesty Tabernacle

When “Southeast” newspaper solicited information about local churches here, there was one name we did not recognize: Majesty Tabernacle. It is located in a store-front at 322 East Hennepin Ave in Minneapolis, Rev. Jean Halvorson, pastor of the church, sent us the following description:

“Majesty Tabernacle is an independent church which proclaims a born-again experience.

We are chartered under a fellowship of ministers called the Evangelical Missionary Fellowship (EMF), headquartered in North Mankato, Minnesota.

We first met in the downtown YMCA for eight months and moved to our present location in April of 1983.

We are a small church, but we love people and we love the Lord Jesus Christ. We have a lot of congregational singing. We have a Monday night Bible study in Exodus.

We have a Wednesday evening Alcoholics Victorious group, which believes that alcoholism is a sin and that Jesus Christ is the answer. We also visit homes, hospitals and nursing homes.”