Heaven’s Prelude

I cannot listen here too long. Boredom I disown.
Please, please get my interest now or I will just go home.

The draw of caring clergy, try to meet every concern
can somehow, too, diminish church. A tricky balance turn.

Church, in its core is pronounced clear: A prelude to God’s world.
That timeless space of glory, faith’s promise grand unfurled.

If we must time the paces of the church where each attend,
then we will prompt a habit, which in God’s presence will end.

No measurement of the time is there; its clock beats in the heart of the Lamb.
The Son in whom time will stand still – He is the Great I Am.

Church is, after all, a rehearsal theme. Its message stands strong.
This is the local place that God blessed – where do you belong?

Next time you glance to see the time eclipse and tick away,
recall the One who entered time so we’d be His one day.