The mountain is God’s altar view where a marriage finds it voice. Its love echos throughout the slopes, with a bold, robust rejoice. Strolling up the mountainside, on the avenue of dreams, one soon is sure to realize that marriage is not what is seems. Up close, the trail winds tightly around the curves and […]
Poem Topic: Marriage
Love On a Porch
With wood and nails the place is set to Form a union there, And draw all those gathered round- This hallowed time to share. The porch serves to connect a home; it’s Covered entrance bare. But filled with mercy and love in veiw, Shows hope beyond compare. The painted work that has been done will […]
God’s Blueprint for Marriage
God’s blueprint for marriage was drawn within His heart. It was meant to form a union, from which God would not depart. First sketched in the book of Genesis, recounting our Lord’s design, God relayed His plan for marriage in a reflecting pool divine. In real time came its fullness, of a Bridegroom for the […]
Empty Nest
A blooming tree once full of life, Its mothered all around. Its branch extended through leaves of green. Its root deep in the ground. So soon, its leaves fell off the branch; Now looming life looked bare. What once was warmth, appeared now cold. There’s a feeling you’ve been there. With children, dreams, or schedules […]