Archives: Poems

A Gust of Wind

A gust of wind – its gentle breeze – picked up Brian on that day
And laid him into Jesus’ arms, where he will forever stay.
Night will hover o’er no more, since the shadows then did flee.
He lives in God’s own purest light for all eternity.
How wonderful to read the words, that Brian went to rest
On the Lord’s day in the afternoon, with His family feeling blest.
Now may the wind of God lift you each in His Fatherly love,
For the gust of God’s own wind whispers, he’s safe in heaven above.

Through Her Eyes

Sometimes I see my long-lost mom through Hazel’s loving view.
Maybe because her name’s the same as the color Mom saw through.

A constant caring for her own; she helps any around.
Her thoughts go far to help others she hears within a sound.

A tigeress for her cubs and yet, she lets them live their own.
At any age, she’ll always make time to cook and what she’s sewn.

Her sense of humor, it is there. She laughs and so we know.
That often she’s the only one who knows what makes her roll.

Her eyes remind me of my mom, though all these years have passed.
So much alike, it’s great to see: a mother’s love does last.

Eight Candles

Eight candles stand where light was dimmed,
This fortress marks the spot.
The enemy smashed while hope, not dashed.
A small wick burned brighter than thought.

Eight candles line the victory band;
These days where faith stood strong.
To not forget, this time is set.
In caroling this standstill song.

Eight candles speak so loud today,
And listening, we must hear.
Captive we may be, we must hold on till we’re free.
Oh Festival of Lights, shine clear!

Who is that Masked Man?

As children we would don the costumed mask so we could get our way.
The candy, gum, or of the like-
Delights on halloween day.

We could not wait to so embark
Upon that littered trail.
And be so “Lucky” of our haul,
Our purpose did not fail.

You do all this just to receive
Stuff which makes you feel good.
And you are sure that if able,
You’d get more if you could.

In life we seem to stay this trend,
To don a different mask.
We do this to impart to us,
The good feedback we ask.

The problem starts when masks come off,
We have to face ourself.
Afraid, we put a new mask on-
They’re kept there on the shelf.

Behind our masks we know the truth
It hurts for us to see.
That others see the hidden one,
And not the real me.

If I can’t see myself like this,
Maskless at face value.
It will not matter which face I wear,
I will not like the view.

The T.V. show where it was said,
Gee, “Who was that masked man?”
We leave a trail who wonder, too.
Mask off now, if you can.


Humidity, it kills the “Do”-
Limp, lifeless, it’s our fate.
The water that descends in mist-
Conditions which we hate.

It always seem to come in time
For special celebrate.
Your hair looks like it flattened out.
No time – resuscitate!

Prolonged usage of the spray,
If there was just some clue.
When stepping out, the hair goes south.
This simply will not do.

A Habitat of Their Own

Nestled among the social deeds that man has tried to do.
Is one that fills a real need with designated tools.
The hammer, saw, and nail are used to put this house in place.
The people – hands and hearts come too, and add the needed grace.
Here is the standard by which these homes here are to occur,
They are a great help to the cause, of this you can be sure.
One week of life is all you need to build these, interest free.
While pounding nails on bender knees, with those who oversee.
The occupant will pay a small amount for some 20 year.
The volunteers work in the house and know their role so clear.
Donations pay for the supplies, the workers volunteer.
Each one puts something into it, like a house built as a tier.
The bottom tier – foundation stone, secure that they will feel.
The main level, the place you dwell – an owners door, it’s real.
The windows, porch and all are placed to give completed touch.
What a great habitat for this human need. To them it means so much!

The Garden of this Age

The little buds, tender and warm,
Bring beauty, life, especially charm.
We see ourselves through teeny eyes
And wonder, will they soon tell lies?

They form a garden, so to speak,
And though they bloom and grow,
It seems so sad that when they burst
The sad way some do go.

Of course, it is not all the whole,
But sprinkles there that make
The garden seem like no good sprouts.
A few is all it takes.

The few, these nestled in the grass,
They rule their lives with rage.
Ev’n though we may not know these ones,
They do affect this age.

What can be done? I think it this –
As we survey this land.
Make sure the children do not lead,
But we guide with loving hands.

Stay Within the Lines

As little children we all drew in coloring books for play,
but in all actuality, that skill can serve this day.

In coming here to graduation, as you exit your high school years,
you’ll need some extra wisdom, as you glance upon your peers.

Remember there’s invisible fencing in life to protect us on our road.
It’s God’s inner reinforcement to confirm what we’ve been told.

From the Scripture and Ten Commandments to the conscience God supplied,
let your spirit move within these walls as the Holy Spirit guides.

Proceed forward with the mind that’s been a gift given to you,
and with the love of family and friends, keep all these things in view.

This skill has served you well and should help your future shine.
Just remember in your future choices, then, that you stay within in the lines.


Hallmark moments do surround
My mind when greetings sound.
A word, a thought
A gift they bought.
Propels me to rebound.

A master of these cards, am I?
I choose what “Makes me cry”.
Or I laugh till I am sick,
Cause the poem there, it is, I think
So goofy, I must buy.

A devout fan of the embossed card.
Sometimes finding one’s hard.
Because they can be vague,
Just like family Hage.
I’ll keep looking, like a high tower guard.

It seems right that the verses inside,
Contain humor, or else I’d hide.
I find so many on a lark,
I should buy stock in Hallmark.
In flowery phrases I abide.

Menu For a Great Evening

Take one (1) bunch of family bananas,
Split them into two groups for baking.
Throw in some sweet cream (Matt is home),
And sprinkle with Kristopher, the sweetie.

Keep at this concoction for about 2½ hours,
Or until the mixture gets totally crusty.

For the kiddys, give a “Gary” menu.
I understand he could be taken for a “Little Rascal”.

This evening was paid for by your friendly
“Phil”Ing station, and we are all very
Thankful. We were filled to the brim by Him!