Archives: Poems


E is for the emptiness seen in creation’s light.
A is for the Almighty, who brought day from sin’s long night.
S is for the spoken Word, “Let there be” another day.
T is for the tomb where all life’s boulders rolled away.
E is for the evidence that showed the blessed prize:
R is for the resurrection power that made our hopes arise.

Words to Die For

Vows were taken to love and cherish.
A life was taken – a promise perished.

His words, once soft, now fire’s ember.
We can’t forget – this deed remember.

“Killing me softly with his words”, A lullaby no more.
The act complete, took hardened edge.
Vows splattered on the floor.

Those words in vow, judicial sentence plead.
“Till death do us part”, he fulfilled the vow indeed.

The vows of this union meant nothing to this man.
May words from the court do what none of us can.

The Devil’s Commentary

Do not allow the devil now to commentate,
On your situation, life, or plan – just emulate.

Look to the One who mastered all and crafted Satan’s nasty fall.
Let God interpret life and word – just concentrate.

Re-fix your faze on Jesus Christ and celebrate.
He views your life and such through love – don’t hesitate.
Bring your entire life to Him, He’ll show you right where you fit in.
He wrote the book, He lived it too – He will create.

To comment on Him, first thing is, you must relate.
You’ll never find that Morning Star in your own state.
He died for you, now live for Him.
He wants to let His plan roll in.
There’s no one like Him, no one else will do – He is so great!

If you want a commentary of your own, see through His eyes.
You need to meet the One who’s truth and never lies.
You cannot see Him from a distant view,
You must get close; He’ll talk to you.
No matter if you’ve waited long – He’s never late!

Carly’s Wish

Carly’s Wish mom’s wishing well –
a healing, fragrant spring.
Drawn from deep pain
to life again.
Transforming gift to bring.

This wishing well resounds with hope –
an echo of her soul.
Hear Carly’s voice enhance our choice
to transcend depth below.

Our wish for you –
Come close, draw forth.
See what the well provides.
The heart runs deep,
its presence keeps
Our Carly close beside.

The Fresh Breeze of Heaven

The shade of life closed up within
When loss became my name.
It shut down life as I knew then,
Surrounding me with pain.

God opens now that covered place –
The sad portal of loss.
Reminding me of love and grace
That took Him to a cross.

My previous Heavenly Father knew
A child loss of His own,
When His Son -our Lord Jesus Christ,
Left His royal throne.

Separation from His own abode
Is what the Lord did feel,
When the darkness of my sin closed in,
So I could one day heal.

Through the times when I’ve coasted
Through stale air,
As if life passed me by,
The Holy Spirit came to call
And drew me to the sky.

My daughter – He would say to you:
You’ve kept this vigil long.
It’s time My fresh breeze comes inside,
So you can sing My healing song.

Time of Death

Come to the place where time and space cease
In their common mode.
When loved ones gone aren’t in the past,
But in God’s great abode.

Time is a tool for humankind,
A tracking of our years.
Whose line becomes erased in death,
Yet drawn inward by the tears.

“Time of death” a term doctors use
Stating life as dead,
Is neutralized in Jesus Christ.
Remember what He said.

That death will die itself one day,
Departing with God’s dawn.
How glad to know when time does cease,
Death’s pathway will be gone.

It Was Good

The Elohim of Israel, creation’s architect,
Took each day and fashioned it, knowing what came next.
At the end of each glad daytime, when the sun began to set,
The artist and recorder said: “It is good” and yet –

Those days in individual tones were perfect like He said,
But building up to what God saw, the first was light that led.
Light woke up what He planted, and the picture took its fill.
Of all the blessings God’s hand planned, you were His finest still.

It was good for creation and was well done by the Lord.
God’s eternal favor was a grace He could afford.
Each day of creation prepared the place God had for man,
With God’s anthem “Calvary’s echo” sounding out His plan.

The river of life swept into the cavern we call earth,
And light came forth from darkness, declaring all its worth.
He separated dark from the light form, but kept darkness as a sign,
To visualize that light in Him connects to His lifeline.

The tools retained were aptly used to realize this plan.
The water, base element of earth, and dust, the Son of Man.
Though on their own they stand real still, not a movement we can find,
But with the finger of God’s power, eternity is mine.

Repeat refrain:

Just like when bricks are seen in full, each built upon the last.
So God’s days of creation were finished in the past.
Each day unveiled the picture more, which our God, Himself, saw first.
That forming dust with living water would quench man’s immortal thirst.

God did this all so we could find His garden of delight.
Which in the truest sense is the paradise of sight.
The God walked in Eden, came to earth within our night,
And gave His life on Calvary so our darkness would come to light.

His Name

I heard his name throughout my youth – this thing his mom would say:

Charles awoke at dawn to take his tests, and he aced them every day.

I remember one phrase he himself did say: “Windom is a good place to be from”.

The name Charles is French and means this: “manly one, a man”,

yet he was tender to the touch of life, for Charles did understand.

After I officiated the funeral for his mom, he sent his thanks in wood –

a carved wood road runner, crafted well. I cherish it, as I should.

He reminds me of the dual drill – first, the basic training mind,

and then the dentist he ultimately became, of the military kind.

Oh how proud of him you’ll always be, and he’ll never truly depart,

for his name and life are carved within the chambers of your heart.


Communion from the Master is served on God’s table of grace.
One part — the Body offered, while the wine bled sin’s disgrace.
Together they form a union — this present of divine intent,
and we realize this table was a timeline God had sent.

We saw it at the Last Supper, where Jesus spoke and rightly said:
“This table will be a memorial” of the wine and broken bread.
Next, it traveled to Emmaus, through a journey of two men.
The Bread of Heaven joined them and their eyes were opened then.

Communion shows its fullness when it reveals our resurrected Lord;
it’s not a sacrament alone, but the Lamb’s great love outpoured.
The leaf on God’s grand table was extended to pave the way
to recall the time of Calvary and connect to Christ’s coming day.

When Christ returns to take us home and we our Savior meet,
Communion’s visual completes the theme: that we’ll sit at Jesus’ feet.

Through Your Eyes

I knew her not, myself, you know, but saw her through your eyes.
Your love and caring did emerge, with pain tucked deep inside.

Sometimes we feel so helpless for the ones we love so dear.
The reason’s clear, we want to help, whether we’re far or near.

At this dark time, in company, you gather while you grieve.
Hold on to her through one another; this love will not leave.

My hope today, for you, dear friend, though distant you may feel,
Is to know God feels all your pain; His nearness is so real.