Are You A Victim or A Victor?

Teaching Topics:

Do you live life out of a victim’s perspective? Always blaming someone? Treated as helpless?


V = Vulnerable. You are viewed as helpless. You seem to react to others. You are especially
vulnerable to stronger people; what they say, do and think about you is very important. It
may even guide your life.

I = Injury causes pain. You have much pain: physical, emotional, relational. You are constantly
reminded of your wounds because of the pain that has been either self inflicted, or inflicted
upon you. A lot of things hurt you.

C = Creates scene of accident often. You do not forget what has happened to you. Reminders
of hurtful times cloud your thinking; they come back in flashbacks often. You are
preoccupied with what has happened to you.

T = Totally preoccupied with self. It would not occur to you that you may have also hurt some
one else. You may even “outdo” other people by your stories of pain. No one else can
possibly understand.

I = Inverts memories. You, like an accident victim, are the recipient of the action, and you were
not aware of all things as they happened. You recall things slowly, and they are usually not
totally correct. They are seen through eyes of one looking in mirror at self: everything is
turned around.

M = Masochist tendencies. You begin to see everything as offending you. Everything goes
wrong for you, and at times you love it, because it adds fuel to your already increasing
selfish feelings. You would say you do not like pain, but you do nothing about it; hence,
you appear to desire it.


Do you live life like a victor? An over-comer? One who is not so concerned with self and bad experiences, but one whose focus is on the source of our overcoming power: Jesus Christ.


V = Volunteers to serve. Is not waiting for what others can do for him/her. Seeks a place to
grow and change. Doesn’t wait to be cajoled. Doesn’t need that negative attention.

I = Indestructible to pain. Does not mean there is no pain. Simply means that in Christ we can
be as Stephen the martyr, who, though, being stoned looked up to heaven and saw Jesus.
Can you see Jesus instead of your pain?

C = Creates a good atmosphere. Does not wait for it to be created for him/her. Makes sure
own heart, home is secure, thankful. Surrounds self with good fellowship, positive service
and continued devotion.

T = Trusts again. We can trust others and open up ourselves because we trust Christ to be our
guide and defender. Our trust in Him brings confidence.

O = Is not looking for excuses to fail. “I’ve got a bad background.” “I’m not good enough.”
“God will choose someone else anyway.”

R = Recalls faithfulness of God. Mind shifts to wonder of God instead of disasters of man.
Situations bring us to prayer, not to inferior feelings about ourselves. Remember the things
He has brought you out of.