Five Levels of God

Teaching Topics:

Ms Kuebler-Ross provided a very helpful process in dealing with grief issues.

We all realize that people cross through these levels at emotional ranges and with various time frames. We also bring along to this table other pain we bare, so the levels are not as easily to discern.

I’d like to provide to Ms. Kuebler-Ross the 5 stages of God.

  1. Recognize He exists. This is the reason why He is known as the “I Am that I Am”. This is the existence of God and it is the foundation of His being. His to us is “I’m here”. We need to know that. *
  2. Recognize His works. Based on the fundamental belief that He does exist, it is a second step to know that He is a creative God. His works in Genesis 1 provide the basis for our understanding. He does not require anything of us before He gives of Himself. His works are unique and miraculous. The miracles and healings of the New Testament are from the same fingers as the One who created the stellar hosts and animal life.
  3. Realize His order. Once we see the map He has drawn in the sky and human form, we perceive He has a mindset, though we cannot ascertain its exact formula (actually everything He has done in history is unprecedented and therefore, unique). He is looking to do a new work in each one. It will make sense to Him and in time our recall will see its movement.
  4. Rest in His involvement. In the ever-increasing world of providing our own destiny, it is a marvelous thing to see the intricacy of God’s handiwork, and His far-reaching abilities to amass great feats. It is that comforting solace in the soul of knowing someone is watching out for us and paving the way ahead.
  5. Remember He came first. God knew that we could not comprehend eternity, nor could we aspire to its pureness. Therefore, God came here to show us His deity and humanity. God not only gave us a road map there (the Bible); He elected to come Himself as the only true guide. After all, directions can only be received by One who has been there. He gives the way, in truth, for life.