Prepare Our Hearts to Build His House

Teaching Topics:

Ezra Shows Us How to Prepare Our Hearts to Build His House

Know that God is raising up certain people that will respond to our particular work. “….Even everyone whose spirit God had stirred to go up and rebuild the house of the Lord which was in Jerusalem.” Ezra 1: 5. There are people out there ready to hear.

We need to find our place. People are seeking an identity; who they are. “These searched among their ancestral registration, but they could not be located.. ” Our responsibility: Show them their name is there = the whosoever of John 3: 16; in Bible studies we then build on who we are in Christ. Find a place where you can do this.

Remember, it all takes time. The biggest problem is impatience. “From the first day of the seventh month they began to offer burnt offerings to the Lord, but the foundation of the temple had not been laid.”. Ezra 3: 6. WE NEED TO KEEP IN MIND THAT NOTHING WILL BE BUILT PROPERLY UNLESS IT IS BUILT ON CHRIST!

We need to know our authority to do the work. “….a scroll was found and there was written in it as follows: Memorandum – In the first year of King Cyrus, Cyrus the King issued a decree ….” Ezra 6: 2, 3. Our great King has issued a decree (Matthew 28: 18-20), that we are commissioned to make disciples (learners by example).

We need to set our heart to do this. A true disciple must learn first. “For Ezra had set his heart to study the law of the Lord (We must be student of the Word.), and to practice it (obedience is part of the great commission of Matthew 28: 18-20), and to teach His statues and ordinances in Israel (let us not teach our ideas or mere thoughts).” Ezra 7:10. We are not released by God to teach or serve unless we do study personally and practice His word in our lives.

We should fast to know the correct way. God has a specific anointing for us as a church, as well as for each individual. We fast to bring a loosening so we can see it. “For we fasted and sought our God concerning this matter, and He listened to our entreaty.” Ezra 8:23. Read Isaiah 58 for further clarification.

Fasting brings a knowledge of sin (Ezra 9: 9), which will help us to take our own responsibility and bow before the Lord. Arise, for this matter is your responsibility but we will be with you….” Ezra 10: 4.

They assembled around the Word; so should we. People should be drawn to his Word! “And all the people gathered as one man (unity) at the square …. and they asked Ezra (lawyer) the scribe to bring the book ….” Nehemiah 8: 1 (contemporary of Ezra). People will begin asking about studying the Bible: this is when we know God is working His finest work. We will all be involved in the Word in different ways: Ezra, being a scribe or lawyer, was concerned over the wordage; Nehemiah, a prophet was concerned in building the atmosphere, building. Different works, but the same spirit and goal.

The people gave the understanding of the reading. The scribe reads the law, but the Levites give the understanding. Levites are the workers.

“…. and the Levites, explained the law to the people ….” Nehemiah 8: 6, 7. The purpose of the leadership is to provide guidance, structure and authority; the people are to share it with others. Sheep bring in sheep.


By virtue of the presence of the oil of the Holy Ghost within each believer, all we need to do is come in contact with people and the need inside of them, even though a small spark, it will be set ablaze because of the power in the oil.

Directive is for us to go, not for them to come.

Gospel is spread through the home, much like the early church work.

People learn the best when they discover for themselves. We need to provide for that.

Some are needed as watchmen (prayer warriors), Andrews (bringing people), Marthas (hostesses), teachers, etc.

We are free to work individually, but we work together with one purpose: GLORIFY GOD!