Rally For The Faith

Scripture References: Hebrews 11: 24-29; Teaching Topics:

At Vacation Bible School this summer, our children learned lessons in their faith walk. Their crocodile dock title who’s it was docked in Egypt, where the boys and girls learned Scriptures and summaries that can help us as well. I will be spelling out the word “rally”. Hebrews 11: 24-29.

Hebrews Chapter 11 is called the Hall of Faith. It mirrors the lives of imperfect people who ultimately put their trust and faith in the God that, though unseen, surely sees us and our effort. The hallo of faith is like the witnesses of Chapter 12: 1, in the colosseum of eternity and cheering us on to the finish. Jesus is the finish line, encouraging us forward, because He empowers us to get there.

R = Response by God – Exodus 3: 12. When God speaks, we should listen and respond accordingly. In Hebrews 11: 24 it talks abut Moses’ reply in heart. “Having become” great – “having become: is the Greek word “ginomai, meaning, “change of condition, come into being, become”. It is a process. No one starts in this condition, so keep going forward. “Great” is the Greek word “mega”, and refers to a figurative state of “having grown up; of great measurement” (Exodus 2: 11). It is in the superlative sense (example – good, better, best), which is a theme in the book of Hebrews. It is time to grow up (1 Corinthians 13). Moses refused t identify with his past. The word “refused” is the Greek word “arneomai”, meaning “to deny, say no, not identify with, but disown”. He was undoubtedly grateful that they raised him in safety, but he knew he wasn’t really one of them. We are in the world, but not of it, so we shouldn’t speak evil of our family history and role in this life, but always know that only God’s life in us gives us a future.

A = Avenue Used – Exodus 7:17. In verse 25 it talks about Moses’ choice to suffer and be ill-treated with the Israelites. The Scripture says “rather”, which is the Greek word “mallon”. meaning more, thayer =in the comparative form. It is saying “what better way to live, more than what is compared. There’s no comparison when it comes to following God’s way.” The benefits are out of this world. He “chose”, which is the Greek word “haireo” making “to take, choose, prefer”. Why would someone choose such a path? Because it was the foreshadowing of the path our Savior took. He didn’t take the easy way; He took the path that He’d find us on. Moses chose to endure the adversity, which is the Greek word “sunkakoucheomai”. “Sun” meaning “with” and “kakoucheo” meaning “being treated with evil, torment”. Notice the word “ouch” in the Greek word. God has an eternal remedy for that ouch. Add the “T” bar of the cross and get the word “touch”. He would rather choose that road than one to enjoy temporarily. “To enjoy” is the Greek world apolaisis”, meaning “to enjoy”. It is where we get the word applause, which is something enjoyable, but temporary. It doesn’t last, so don’t live for applause of man; live for the glory of Christ. The world “temporary” is the Greek word “proskainos”. It means “in season, it will pass, temporary”. Put your greatest effort in what is eternal.

L = Liberty Given – Exodus 12: 42. Here God spares the Israelites at Passover. In verse 26 Moses esteemed his position as better. “Esteem” is the Greek word “hegeomai”, meaning “to lead, support, thank, esteem”. Moses was a leader for good, not a follower of bad. He chose the riches of Christ. Now you may wonder: Did Moses know Jesus? Not in his lifetime, but this is the Greek word “Christa’s” and means “anointed one”. It is the title of The Messiah. He chose riches instead of the treasures of Egypt. “Treasures” is the Greek word “thesauros”, which is the same root word from where we get our word thesaurus – book of synonyms. It means “storehouse of valuables”. The treasures of this earth can never compare with God’s riches. Moses focused his gaze on what was ahead, the reward. “Look away” is the Greek word “apoblepo”, meaning “to look away from all else as object; turn attention to; look away to look forward, and break with the past”. What was he looking toward? “Reward”, which is the Greek word “mistapodosoeah”, which means “a payment of wages, reward”. Rewards are offered for missing valuables, etc., and Jesus paid the price because we were missing in plain sight.

L = Life – Exodus 14: 13. Moses led the Israelites through the Red Sea and there was no retreat here. With almost 3 million people in tow, no one would want to change course anyway. We don’t realize how many people are following us and how our testimony affects for good or bad. In verse 27 Moses didn’t fear the anger of the pharaoh, though he grew up in his domain. The word “anger is the Greek word “thymon”, meaning “passion, wrath”. It comes from “thyos”, meaning “rush along, heat up, breath violently”. It means to have passion driven behavior. Let’s leave the driving up to the Chief and not let any anger in our lives fuel our journey. We’ll leave a bad smell and exhaust our internal resources. What did he do? He endured, which is the Greek word “kartereo”, meaning “preserved, endure, be steadfast”. Why? Because he saw the immortal, invisible-God only wise. We cannot visibly see God, but He surely sees us. Moses did see God in the burning bus, but he couldn’t hold that in his pocket. Talk about burning a hole in your pocket! Faith sees God’s results, not our effort.

Y = You – Matthew 28: 5-6. This is where we see that Jesus died and rose for us. In Hebrews 11: 28-29 we see Moses kept the passover, like we keep and honor communion. It goes from the Passover, having been a festival of death unto new life, unto communion, which is more intimate and brings the victor inside the house – into their table. Moses kept the festival, lest the destroyer touch him. The word “touch” is the Greek word “thiggano”, meaning “to touch, handle”. The enemy’s handle of our lives was destroyed at the cross and he cannot touch through manipulation , which is one of the thoughts of this word. Then they passed through the Red Sea – waters rolled back and they walked on the ground originally created by Elohim. God will separate the waters of death/difficulty when we follow him. It says that the enemy was drowned. The Greek word “swallow” is ‘katapino”, meaning “swallow, consume, drink”. “Kata” means “down”. Jesus came down and swallowed up the enemy of our souls. The essence of the rally of faith is that you and I refuse to be called part of this world, that we keep our eyes on Christ as we go through trials, that we have liberty and life though His sacrifice, and that me and you are not swallowed up in this world, but we are free in Jesus Christ.