What Does the Resurrection Teach Us About God

Teaching Topics:


1). His Character

A. Faithfulness

1. Justice is paid; is exacted, not estimated.

2. Mercy is bestowed.

3. Promises – He said “I’ll rise …. Jesus”.

B. Compassion

1. Sins forgiven.

2. Sorrows – forebears with us.

3. Sicknesses – feels for us.

C. Self – Composed.

1. Knew the joy and endured the cross – Hebrews. –

2. Mocking and railing at the cross.

3. Snide remarks….”lf you are God….” Madalyn

II. His Trinity

A. Discourse.

1. Jesus spoke to someone = “Father, into Thy Hand.”.

2. Jesus was going somewhere = John 20:16-17.

B. Doctrine

1. Acts 1:1-8

2. Who are involved in Christ’s last statement?

Romans 4:25 must be shared for justification. Bring us into God’s presence for fellowship that we lost.

C. Dunamis

1. They all raised Jesus from the dead – Acts 2:24; Acts. 5:30.

2. Acts 3:26 (Father); Rom 8:9-11 (Spirit); John 2:19 (Jesus).

Ill. His Godhead

A. Omniscient – All knowing.

B. Omnipresent – All present (could appear anywhere).

C. Omnipotent – All powerful.

IV. His Names

A. El =Mighty One

1. Power of Resurrection.

2. No other power than that of God.

B. Elohim = Plural of Eloah

1. One True God of Israel. 2). Signifies Trinity.

C. El Elyon = Most High.

D. Yahweh= “I Exist”

1. Personal proper name for God in Old Testament.

2. From verb “to be”; past, present and future.

3. Exodus 3:14

4. Jesus referred to Himself: Hebrews 13:8.

5. Eternal One = John 8:58.

E. Adoni = Honor, title, Sovereign, Lord.

1. “My Lord”

2. Words – vowels used in “Yhwh; Jehovah – Acts 2:36.

3. Thomas- “My Lord and My God” refers to Jesus after resurrection.

F. El Shaddai = All Sufficient

1. El- Strong – Man

2. Shad – Breasted one – female