On Mother’s Day and last Sunday, when the children were sharing in music ministry, I peeked a bit and saw the proud faces of the parents, as well as the joy on everyone’s faces. It’s not just that they did a great job singing, but because they are your child, they shine a light on you; they’re from you -they are your substance. Likewise, we should shine on our Heavenly Father.
- Let your light so shine
- In the same way, which refers to verses prior (14-15).
- You can’t hide on a hill. You are a city on a hill that can’t be hidden.
- The word hidden in the Greek is “krypto”, pronounced “kroop-to”, and means “to be hid or hidden”. It’s where we get our word “crypt”.
- In this extension of teaching from the mountain, which included the Beatitudes, it is a choice to not put our light under a bushel or bowl. We are on a hill- Hill of Calvary.
- Allow your light to shine; put it on its stand. Our standing is in Christ – Romans 5:2 and I Peter 5:12, and we are the lampstand – vessel. Don’t push yourself down; let God raise you higher.
- The word “light” is the Greek word “phos”, pronounced foce, and means “a source of light; daylight”. We are to shine in the day and shine while it is still daytime. The night cometh when no man can work (John 9:4).
- The word “shine” is the Greek word “lampo”, meaning, “to radiate, brilliance, I shine, beam”. Remember the children’s song: Let me be a Sunbeam for Jesus”? The beam is an extension of the sun, light source. Power comes from the source, but the beam streams light, heat, power through that ray, and the beams reflect the original light source. They are a flash light in the dark.
On C.S.I., and other detective type shows, when they are investigating crime scenes, they are always in the dark with small flashlights. That’s because they don’t want a wide swath of light reflected and some small detail is missed. We are a part of the greater light that is extended, but we’re here to highlight certain detail in specific works.
- So others can see your good works
- Our focus should not be on how it makes us look, but how our good works can honor our Heavenly Father.
- We want to honor the giver of gifts. Without Him, we’d have no ability to do anything, anyway.
- James 1:17 talks about the Father of lights, the giver of gifts.
- These are visible ways people can see who your Heavenly Father is.
- The good works and identified like this:
- The word good is the Greek word “kalos”, meaning “beautiful, good, worthy”.
- It is an outward sign of an inner good.
- It is an evidence of works that show the nature of the person’s life -whether selfish or sincere/spirit led. The adjective is “good”, meaning it is worthy to God and acceptable to Him.
- Our works, deeds can be good or bad, but any bad deeds do not reflect on our Heavenly Father. They reflect on our nature here and human experience,
- Our focus should not be on how it makes us look, but how our good works can honor our Heavenly Father.
There is a story of how it should not be working: In the city of Chicago, it was the custom of a father, enroute to his work in the morning, to go by the saloon for a drink. One morning, as he was tracking his way over the newly-fallen snow, he heard the piping voice of his little boy exclaiming: Daddy, I’m a-comin’ in your steps; Daddy, I’m a-comin’ in your steps.” looking around, he saw the little boy striding in his footsteps, which he had just made and which led in the direction of the saloon. The father cried out: ‘Oh God, if my boy is coming in my steps, by thy help, I’ll track them in another direction.” Our life and works not only reveal whose path we are following, but remind us that we do influence others behind us.
- And glorify your Father in Heaven.
- To glorify Him, means this: Glorify in the Greek is “dixasosin”, from “doksa”, glory.
- Same root as doxology, and also doxazo, meaning “render or esteem glorious; honor, bestow glory”.
- Isn’t it wonderful that we as His children can actually reflect light back on Him?
- It talks of glorifying your father….
- God has to be “your” or “my” father. Personal possessive.
- The Greek says “su” -pronounced 500, meaning 2 person.
- Jesus said, “Don’t touch me yet till I ascend to my God and your God” (John 20:17). This he told to Mary Magdalene, who would never have been expected to refer to the Heavenly Father as hers in her former state of impurity.
- The word father is the Greek “pater”, pronounced patayr, meaning one who imparts life and brings into being.
- It comes from the word “pa” root and means “nourisher, protector, upholder, generator of life.”
- He didn’t only originate it; He continues it through the Spirit.
- Our beams/rays of good works should shine all the way back to Heaven.
- Generally, light beams shine down from Heaven – God’s throne or stars.
- Here, our beams go back to their life source, to reflect His beauty and glory.
- Let’s stay on the hill and not hide the brilliance of His gifts and resource.
- To glorify Him, means this: Glorify in the Greek is “dixasosin”, from “doksa”, glory.
Several years ago a minister in Cincinnati, Ohio, at the close of his sermon, felt led to do an unusual thing: He said “If there is someone here that is sick of sin, and wants us to pray for you, raise your hand.” A young man sprang to his feet, and said, “Pray for me, Sir. I am sick and tired of sin.” The minister learned later that for eight years the boy had been a wanderer on the earth. The minister advised him to write home and tell his parents what he had done. He did, and after several days of anxious waiting, a letter came from his mother, but it was bordered with black. “My Dear Son: The joy which your letter brought to our hearts was only exceeded by the sadness which was there at the same time, for as nearly as we can figure, the same hour that you found Jesus Christ as your Savior, your Father was going out into the skies. All day long he tossed upon his bed. Every little while he would cry out in misery, “Oh God, save my poor wandering, wayward boy today.” Just as he passed away he cried: “Oh, God, save …….”and he finished the prayer in the presence of Jesus.” Down at the bottom of the letter the mother added a note saying: “You are a Christian tonight because your father would not let God go.”
That’s from prairie pastor and overcomer……
The response of that son – in God’s sight, shone a light that became real when the father met his Heavenly Father. Truly God was glorified in that beam coming back to Heaven.