The Road to Disease and the Way Back

Teaching Topics:

Scenario: You go to your doctor. The doctor tells you that you have an incurable disease with no known origin or cure and that you must always live with it. Would you go to a doctor if they had no resources with which to give you hope?

Because the Bible says that two or three witnesses are necessary to validate a truth, we will look at this subject in three areas: Medically, legally, and spiritually.

Medically, this is the only disease that takes its patients to therapy. Disease, in the true form, come from the following sources. Bacteria which can cause pneumonia, tetanus, typhoid, scarlet fever, etc. Allergies cause asthma, hay fever, eczema, etc. Environmental disorders can cause sunstroke, frostbite, gangrene, etc. Fungi causes athlete’s foot, jungle rot, etc. Nutritional deficiencies cause scurvy, rickets, etc. Parasites cause ringworm, malaria, etc. Viruses cause chicken pox , measles, mumps, etc. Which of these cause alcoholism…..none!

Alcoholism is caused by the ingesting of ethyl alcohol, a poison. It is a liquid drug, a depressant. It is one of a family of sedative-hypnotic, a non-prescription drug used for the quick high and associated feelings. Some relate alcoholism to diabetes because they both must be controlled. Diabetes is a condition where the sugar level in a person is maladjusted. We each need a certain level of sugar in our system to keep us going. We do not need alcohol. It is an outside toxic substance.

Alcoholism causes disease…note that disease does not cause alcoholism. It causes nutritional deficiencies. It affects the brain immediately. It affects the balance, memory, perceptions, and is a perfect picture of Proverbs 23. Of the three pounds of the 13 billion nerve cells to the brain, alcohol seeks to destroy them. The brain cortex is what makes each individual different. It houses our higher thought, language, ability to reason, to think, to imagine, and human consciousness. Drinking alters the reasoning ability in quick digression. The Bible says in Proverbs 23: 7 (NKJV) that “as a man thinks, so is he”. If Satan can captivate your thoughts, you are his. It also damages the liver which is the only organ that cleans the toxins out of the blood. The liver can only oxidize alcohol at a rate of 1/2 ounce per hour. The medical field has been unable to qualify the source or genetics of alcoholism. Yet, in 1952 they determined alcoholism to be a disease, just like heart disease and cancer.

Legally, this is the only disease to be sanctioned by law. The system has sought for years to take away the stigma of alcoholism, and pave the way for acceptable treatment. Nine people influenced the stance on alcoholism, through a hypothesis. The medical aspects of alcoholism as a disease, the X-factor, and heredity had not been proven, but it was still embraced, nonetheless. In 1952 the American Medical Association declares alcoholism a disease. In 1962 the Supreme Court ruled drug addiction a disease. The specific case was Powell v. Texas. In a 5 to 4 vote the the Supreme Court determined it to be a disease. Of interest here is that this is the same year when the same Court made prayer unlawful in school, thus robbing the education process of a sense of spiritual need. We can see then, that spirituality based emphasis was replaced by humanism in the medical and legal perspectives, thereby creating a vacuum for the filling of a spirit need. Previously, alcoholism was seen as a social problem, but now with these changes, as Dr. William Playfair, M.D. says in his book “The Useful Lie”: “perpetrators of crimes are now treated as patients instead of criminals”. The apparent wedding of medical conclusions, with the remedies of the bench (citing treatment, therapy to help these offenders), has paved the way for the obliterating of the person’s responsibility. Also, it brings the ultimate exclusion of the message of the Church of Jesus Christ, as being separate from these issues, and is determined by man’s opinion only.

Legally and medically, alcoholism is changed to a disease for insurance purposes primarily. It must be considered a medical problem in order for treatment to be rendered. Harold Milford, the Director of Alcoholism Studies at the University of Iowa says this: “…alcohol disease concept is a propaganda and political achievement…science has not demonstrated alcoholism to be a disease by defining it, nor has science or technology demonstrated it to be a disease by coming up with an effective treatment of prevention..”. The bottom line is that there is no cure for it, because it is not a disease. And that is the good news…..

Spiritually, this is the only disease that has a spiritual element to it. Bill Wilson, the co-founder of A.A. had a problem. He was a despised alcoholic, frustrated by a moral dilemma. He didn’t like being seen as a “sinner” and a medical doctor had an answer. Dr. Silkworm then began dealing with Bill Wilson. The Dr. told him that he had a disease of alcoholism. He further noted that the source of the disease was from an allergy. That particular admission has not been substantiated even by present-day A.A.

Though Bill’s original journey to find peace brought him to a place of surrender to God, this opinion of the need for God was adjusted through the years. Bill first found God through Oxford Group, started by a Lutheran clergy, Pastor Sam Shoemaker, who was strongly evangelical at first. After five years in association, A.A. split off, because they were not interested in doctrine, only in the experiences of man. (Note: we act according to our beliefs, dogmas; you cannot separate them.) A quote from the Big Book, Alcoholics Anonymous, p. 38: “We have no desire to convince anyone that there is only one way by which faith can be acquired.” A.A. people felt the Oxford group were not focusing enough on alcoholism; they were too religious. Bill Wilson’s emphasis was on sobriety only, not the salvation that he originally experienced. Bill continued to probe different modes of thinking and spirituality: transcendental mysticism, Christian fundamentalism, psychology of Carl Jung (to whom he referred some of the group), and he dabbled in LSD. Evidently, even Mr. Wilson was not satisfied, for his quest continued. This “face-less” God has continued into today’s philosophies. Christ is totally left out of 12 step thinking (unless they are already Christian). Without realizing it, they have embraced the New-Age mentality, and the Satan inspired religion that says man’s condition is in their own hands. It is only in accepting the fact that we are a sinner and that we have sinned, that we and God are satisfied because sin is taken care of at the cross, and we are satisfied because we accept God’s provision and we can quit trying to “save ourself”.

People are forever trying to deny that they are sinners, and that they are violating God’s purpose; hence, they cannot know the full-freedom because they do not admit the total depravity and do not accept God’s solution. It is a reminder of the situation of President Jackson many years ago. There was a death-row criminal who needed a pardon and Jackson gave it to him. The man said he didn’t want it. It didn’t cost him anything; he just had to accept it. He didn’t. And while a pardon was waiting for him – a presidential pardon that is valid – the man went to his death. People are dying without God’s pardon, and if this world (and church) continue to treat alcoholism as a medical problem, instead of a sin problem, God will never be able to bring the full deliverance He has promised. The disease concept is another bondage of the mind, and only exalts man’s attempt to better himself. What a shame!

We have seen how the disease concept “evolved”. We see that this helper has actually hurt people, in that it has diluted it to its own beliefs, and it hinders the effectiveness of true Christians within the secular community because they are claiming victory in Christ, yet maintaining that this is a disease. Let us look at the one and only source with which we can find our answers.

In the Old Testament of the Bible most terms regarding illness and healing are used in a general sense in prophetic verse. It refers to being healed from sin. Physical ailments are not mentioned, nor are emotional conditions. Certainly alcoholism is not mentioned, but it is only included in the numeration of sin. Isaiah 53: 4-5 show us the sacrifice of the Suffering Servant. This portion is dealing with sin and with God making atonement. Individual behaviors and attitudes are always referred to as sin and the eternal remedy is offered through Christ. The promise of Isaiah 33: 24 is for us today: “And no inhabitant will say, I am sick: the people who dwell there will be forgiven their iniquity.” No one needs to be forgiven of a disease!

Proverbs 23: 29-35 gives us a true picture of chronic alcoholism. The world will say that Christians are “out of touch”, and that we do not fully understand the progression of alcoholism. We have here a narrative written over 3000 years earlier, way before modern thought received the revelation that alcohol is a progression downward. Notice the inclusion of the wine as a “serpent”. It is a great reminder of the great seducer who holds alcohol in his hand. The effects of this drug are notable: movement is altered, sight is impaired, thinking is confused, wounds contracted, bloodshot eyes, and the closing words of a true addicted person: “I have been beaten, but I can’t wait to have another drink, so I can get beat up again.” God is in tune!

Remember, though, that this same God also called alcoholism (Biblical word is drunkard – doesn’t sound as refined) a sin. There were many Old Testament persons who got drunk: Noah, Lot, Uriah (with David’s assistance). God often likened the behavior of Israel to those who were drunk, wild. Shepherds of Israel were users also; hence, they could not lead others. But it is hopeless, isn’t it? No! If this were an actual disease, and there was no remedy, then yes, hopelessness abounds…but there is hope and full recovery. Even in the Big Book, p. 27 it says “All have recovered. They have solved the drink problem.” (Evidently most present-day persons do not know that it is in there.)

In the New Testament Galatians 5: 19-21 (the book that shows us a freedom from legalism) it speaks of the sins of the flesh, not the disease or weakness. Two particular vices are included. The first is in verse 20 – “pharmekon” meaning sorcery. This is the word for sorcery and magic but it is also the place where we get our present word “pharmacy”. Drugs were used in witchcraft and they are the ultimate controller. The second vice is in verse 21 “methais” meaning drunkenness. This includes “drinking bout” and has the idea of the carouser also. These, along with the others, prevent us from obeying truth in verse 17. In Ephesians 5: 11 we are to expose darkness whenever we can.

A command is given in Ephesians 5: 18 that we are not to get drunk. If you do not drink you will not get drunk. The following is a list of definitions as to how God sees drunkenness and these terms are taken from the Greek Lexicon and Interlinears.

The first term is incorrigibility – shameless – bad beyond correction, reform, impervious to judgment. In the state of intoxication, the person is ambivalent, willful, and seemingly hopeless.

The second term is debauchery – corrupt by seducing. Does the disease of cancer seduce you?

The third term is dissipation – to indulge in extravagant pleasure.

These are called “spirits” for two reasons. The first is counter to the Holy Spirit, and the second is being under the control of the evil spirit and his agencies (verse 18). Other vices are included here because alcohol is a lonely substance and it wants friends, so it attracts other behaviors. See Galatians 5: 21.

The section of 1 Corinthians 6: 9-11 is one that brings hope. The passage starts out with speaking of the unrighteous – those not living righteously. They will not inherit the kingdom. When someone writes their will out, the person can stipulate conditions to those who do not receive anything. Here the exclusion is made of the following behaviors (not persons, but behaviors). The reason is that they are life dominating behaviors, not isolated ones. This includes the behavior of drunkenness – alcoholism is not what “you are”’ it is what you do. That is the way God views it. God wouldn’t condemn someone for having a disease. The Greek word for drunkard “methusoi” means “cause to become intoxicated” meaning that they didn’t start that way. We are not born an alcoholic, we become one. Notice now that God adds some wonderful words here, so that hope is not delayed. “Such were some of you” – notice the word “were”. It speaks of past behavior. It can be put in the past. Immorality can be changed – when holiness controls us – Ephesians 4: 20–24. Stealing can change – Ephesians 4: 28 and lying can change – Ephesians 4: 25.

Jesus words in Luke 21: 34 provide instruction, “But watch yourselves lest your hearts be weighed down with dissipation and drunkenness and the cares of this life and that day come upon you suddenly like a trap.” We usually run to alcohol to escape concerns and problems. The verse goes on to talk about the coming judgement of God. We need to keep ourselves free from any controller, except self-control. Paul’s words in Romans 13:13 tell us how we should conduct ourselves; “Let us conduct ourselves becomingly, as in the day, not reveling and drunkenness, not in debauchery, licentiousness, not in quarreling and jealousy. But, put on the Lord Jesus Christ (our choice) and make no provision for the flesh, to gratify its desire.” God judges us on our conduct! We are to make no provision for the flesh by using disease, or weakness as an excuse. Take God’s help, and live His way, not yours. Do not even allow the teachings of the recovery movement to bring you into another dependency – the dependency of thought, and a labeling of a soul.

The question now is – does the help always help? Communism took people out of a certain need and starved them of God. Jim Jones, a cult leader, took people out of prejudice (80% were black) and killed them. To bring freedom to the alcoholic, is this the true freedom or does God have a better answer? Consider carefully if your programs are biblical or not. God will help you!

To set a foundation for the word “recovery” the following definitions are taken from the American College Dictionary, C.L. Barnhart, Editor in Chief (New York: Random House), 1968. Recovery is the act of recovering; the regaining of something lost or taken away; restoration or return to health from sickness; restoration of return to a former and better state or condition; lawfully, the obtaining of right to something by a verdict or judgment of a court of law. In textiles: “stretch recovery is the ability of a fabric to stretch and return quickly to its original position after being released from tension.” (Taken from A Dictionary of Textile Terms – Dan River, Inc., New York, 1980.) The conclusion from law, medicine, interior design, etc., agree that recovery in any definition marks a return to something from something. Notice that this term can also mean money or means returned from theft, or in terms of ransom money recovered, returned to owner.

Now we need to look at the message the Recovery Movement espouses. Addictions are seen as diseases or illnesses. They coin the term “recovery” in terms of medicine. The issue here is that while diseases of virus, infection, etc. can be healed and the patient recover, addicts have no such hope. If we come from that frame of reference, we take the problem of behavior and transfer it from responsible choices to genes and variants; philosophies of which have never been proven by the medical, legal or social society. It is the same way in which evolution is accepted in many quadrants as fact when it is still a theory. Yet, societies are founded on this theory. It is probable that the term “recovering” is used so that the person dwells on the day-to-day betterment of their life and they view it that way. The Israelites were to go “little by little”, so as to not take too much land and not know what to do with it in Deuteronomy 7: 21-24. This is not in conflict with Scripture intent, for though we are returned to a better condition (salvation), in terms of our state, we yet live in this world-warfare and must battle it daily. The real issue is this – if we are not fully freed or recovered, then what was Calvary all about? Calvary released our spirit man, and our spirit man frees our natural man. To be in a constant state of “recovering” means there is no ultimate solution to the situation. We are still bound by the past.

Let’s check out what God had in mind for His brand of recovery. Hezekiah is ill. Notice that when he is open before God, repentant (weeping bitterly), and obedient to take the “cure”, he recovers, or returns to health. Repentance means to “return to God, turn 180 degrees towards Him”. The “recovery movement” in and of itself has no place for repentance.

There is a recovery of the land in the time of Jubilee (every 50 years) in Israel in Leviticus 25. This was a time of release for all original land owners and inhabitants (verse 10) instituted to insure that all property would eventually go back to the original owner. Our salvation is a jubilee; we were bought by the blood of Jesus Christ and returned to our original owner – the Creator of the earth!

Recovery in 2 Timothy 2: 25-26 is from the snare of the enemy. The word “recover” here is “ananepho” a Greek word meaning, “become sober again, recover from captivity”. It is in the aorist sense, meaning it has one event that has a continuous effect. The idea here is for one to “come to one’s senses”, as the demoniac did in Mark 5: 15 and as Nebuchadnezzar did in Daniel 4: 34. It is a return to reason. Jesus does that! It is for those held in a snare. The word “snare” in Greek is “zogreo”, meaning “to take captive or alive”. Here it is used and also in Luke 5:10 where the disciples were to take captive those fishes (or souls) that were alive. We are never to bring dead things to God. They are in a snare because they oppose the gospel, Word, or the will of God. Any that are in opposition to God are in agreement with Satan and are doing his will. Even Jesus said, “they that are not for me are against me”. Sides are taken in battle.

In essence we are returned to our Shepherd and are, then, recovered from the clutches of Satan. We are turned back to our original owner, God, who bought us by the blood. We are given back our minds; they are recovered (were lost in alcohol, drugs, delusions). In the world of upholstery, pieces of furniture are recovered because the old piece is worn out. They keep the structure of the piece and recover it with the fabric or other material. We are received in our clothing, for now we have been given the robe of righteousness. We have been returned to a better state: that of the redeemed. We now follow God by choice. Our minds have been freed so we can make a decision by God’s Word and reason, instead of by addictive, shameful behavior. Now, we may make mistakes in our choices, but we are still free to make those choices.

If you choose to use the word recover in your estimation of yourself, at least, use the correct tense: Past. I am recovered from this addiction!

Lawfully, in a Biblical sense, the verdict is in: we are free from our offense because Jesus paid the penalty for us. The true Judge has cleared our name!

Finally, if you struggle with thoughts, behavior and think it is because you have a disease, read Romans 7: 15-17. It is sin within you, and an addictive substance seeking to control you.

Reference books:
Twelve Steps to Destruction – by Martin and Diedre Bobgan
Hidden Gospel of the 12 Steps – by Tim Stafford (Christianity Today, July 22, 1991)
Psycho Heresy – by Martin and Diedre Bobgan
Alcohol Use and Abuse in America – Jack Mendelssohn, M.D. and Nancy Mellon, Ph.
Useful Lie – by William Playfair, M.D., Good News Publishers