The Way

Scripture References: John 14:6; Teaching Topics:

I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life, no man comes to the Father but by Me – John 14: 6.

Imagine, if you will, an elaborate gate and entrance to an estate. The massive ornate gates open to embrace you. Up ahead, the road is dressed with perennials in colorful array. The trees rounding the curves of the path seem to bow to your arrival. All around, the lush green lawn is reminiscent of an exquisitely carpeted floor rich in appearance as far as the eye can see. You begin to realize that the way to this estate is as breath-taking an experience as the anticipated finery inside the foyer of the grand house and the contents therein.

The long, winding roads of such properties are designed to grant privilege, create privacy, and promote security for its occupants and guests. It is a great illustration for the Christian perspective, and this is a probable reason why the Scripture takes more time explaining the way, rather than creating an image for us of the eternal house that God built.

In this case, the way or path is its priority. One cannot enjoy the eternal presence of God without journeying this way. Consider the grounds as follows:

Upon arrival you peer through the gates of splendor – only a thankful heart can see on the other side. Any bitterness or ingratitude blocks the view. Inside these gates which open with two strong arms, you gaze upon the sheer beauty of the foliage and flowers – each seems almost living in its properties. The Rose of Sharon glistens in the constant sun. The lilies of the valley join in chorus as they sound your arrival. There are no buds; every flower is fully formed.

The Tree in the center comes to Life as the Branch takes its place. You walk upon beams of wood, stained with tears and markings of red. The walkway seems somber compared to the glory round about, yet it brings a bridge to hope.

It is there you realize the truth of this moment. The reason the way is more important than the destination is because without a living relationship to its center – Jesus Christ, the Bridge to heaven, one will never arrive in God’s house of bounty. Its availability was provided by the blood red stains of a cross, where Jesus saw the joy set before Him.

Take The Way yourself. It will lead you into joys of delight this earth cannot fathom. Take time to see the reflecting pool of His creation; God’s Word. You will see the presence of Jesus Christ, and enjoy His beauty as you sense the perfume of His abiding place.

Jesus is not one of many ways, He is The Way.