In 2009, at a White House State Dinner, it was discovered that a man named Tareq Salahi and his wife were seen in pictures with V.P. Biden and others, even though they were not on the official invitation list. They had the help of Michele Jones, a defense department aide, who hinted prior to the dinner that they might get an invitation. Encouraged, they sent their Social Security numbers and birth dates to the Secret Service for clearance. They were cleared as far as the Secret Service procedure, but still were not added to the invited list. They basically invited themselves and presented a posture of intimate acquaintance with many of the high ranking people in the government. A Mr. Blake Fleetwood of the Huffington Post cited in an article a possible conjecture along these lines: was this allowed to be released so that all the attention in the media would be on these two party crashers and the world, in large part, wouldn’t be paying attention to the health reform bill they were drafting at the time? The government has decoy people to pose at the President and others for security sake, so is this a possible scenario?
Well, Mr. Salahi and his wife were able to segue this “15 minutes of fame” into a reality show, and him running for Virginia State Governor (he was polled with 2% approval). Then they divorced and are individually probably seeking to re-work their agenda.
In Luke 14:7-11 Jesus tells a parable about those who seek to provide for themselves the best place of seating at a marriage feast. Normally seating at marriages, official engagements are prepared by the hosts; the average person would not think to plunk him or herself down anywhere they’d want. And according to Jesus’ story here, if one does sit down, they are seated at a lower spot (meaning a less honored position), in the event that one more notable comes and has the prominent spot open to them. Let me relay these words in the story: the people here were picking their own spots – the word here is “choosing”, which is the Greek word “exelegonto”, from “ekiego”, meaning “to select, choose, elect, pick out oneself”. It comes from two words: “ek” = “out of”, and “lego” is speaking to a conclusion” – meaning the ones here are drawing a conclusion that they are better than the other people and they deserve a prime spot. The invitation here, which is the word “keklemenous”, from “kaleo”, and means “I call, invite, name, summon”. Who is the “I”? It is the Lord Jesus Christ. He summons us through the breathe of the Holy Spirit and writes that embossed invitation on our hearts, and at this wedding feast, which is the Greek word “gamous”, meaning “marriage ceremony, wedding feast”, and includes the entire event. Remember that this is a foreshadowing of the wedding supper of the Lamb, so Jesus is using the perfect story to make His point. The people are seeking first place, that Greek word “protoklisias”, meaning “chief place at banquet”. This comes from two words “protos”, meaning “first or before, most important” and reminds us of the disciples asking who will be on the right or left side of honor, position. The second part “kltsia” means “the dining couch or group of diners”. These people want preeminence above the other guests. So, in verse 8 it talks about how they want the best position so they can recline, which is the Greek word “kataklithes”, from “katakiino”, also from two words: “kata”, which means “down”, and klino” -“to make lie down”. Though one thinks they should be able to lift themselves up socially, the idea here is to humble oneself at the table. They, instead, are seeking the honorable rank of this social gathering – honorable being the Greek word “entimoteros”, from “entimos”, meaning “precious, honored, honorable in rank”, and again comes from two words “en” is “in”, and “time” is “attributed honor, in a state of personal respect, noble place”. Here is where this story resonates: the spirit of self lifting and placing oneself at God’s table is akin to Lucifer’s heart- he wanted to be as God. He wanted the ultimate position at the table. Hey- we’re just blessed to be at the table at all. We need to let God place us where He desires. During the interim time here, when I was told I could enter the pastor’s office and use it, I held back because I hadn’t received the OK from the district level. This scripture kept coming to me – “don’t put yourself where only I can place you”. It may seem odd, but my spirit wouldn’t allow me to go ahead of the placement of those that actually commission, appoint, and present the pastor.