What Set David Apart From Others?

Teaching Topics:

We come to the time of the Nativity, in the town of Bethlehem, the city of David where David had a HEART for God, a HEIGHT of power, and a HOLD of the people.

Let’s check his resume – from 1 Samuel 16: 18. Name is from “dod”, or beloved. David is the son of Jesse’s old age – 1 Samuel 17:2. David is cunning in playing – musically. In the Hebrew it says: he “yadah” to play, he know to play, and this knowing is more than musical notation; it comes from knowing the conductor of the ages. He is a mighty valiant man – a warrior, and a man of war or battle; He is prudent in matters; “dabar” means “skillful in speech, discreet in speech”. He is comely. “Tar” means “outline, form”; David is a man of good form and good presence. He is someone to be gazed at, as was Esther (Esther 2:7) and Joseph (Genesis 39: 6). The Lord is with him. In the Hebrew it says “Yhwh” (Jehovah) is “emmanu”, with him”. This is the root of the term “emmanuel”. The apostles were regarded as “those who have been with Jesus” (Acts 4: 13), and God evidenced in us is the real basis. He is chosen not by his looks (1 Samuel 17: 7) in verse 12, but by God looking at him. He is from Bethlehem, founded by Salma, son of Calab (1 Chronicles 2: 51). It is a fertile area, it is 2300 feet above sea level, so it comes from a position of strength. It is the area where Rehoboam fortified (2 Samuel 23: 14), where Ruth and Boaz lived (Ruth 4: 11-12), near Rachel’s tomb (Genesis 35: 16-19), where the death of an Ephramite levine concubine started a war between Benjamin and Israel (Judges 17: 18). It was a city of importance in Genesis, Judges, time of the Kings, and minor prophets, where Micah is given Bethlehem’s supreme blessing – Micah 5: 2. This resume is given when Saul needs a musician. Why would David need these other qualities, other than merely the musical gift?

A preacher needs more than a good oratory; a counselor needs more than a listening ear; an evangelist needs more than a good invitation. Anyone used of God needs what David had …. “so he shepherded them according to the integrity of his heart, and guided them with his skillful hands.” – Psalm 78: 72 – these qualities were implanted in David from youth:

Unique Fighter – 1 Samuel 17: 12
David learns the art of fighting in his natural surroundings by fighting physically fighting the enemy. As a shepherd he fought the lion and bear who were threatening his sheep. He acts in response to a physical threat to the sheep. David never retaliates when there are threats to his person, only to the sheep, who are under his charge. The heart of the man is visible here. We see it later in 1 Samuel 26: 6. Notice that we must fight physical and natural fears/threats in our lives before we can expect to fight in the supernatural realm. Never fight selfishly, though.

David is tested when he has to fight in supernatural surroundings – fights one enemy. David initially comes to the battlefield a a delivery boy only. It is amazing what situations and experiences bring us into knowledge of supernatural warfare. He assesses the annoyance and gets angry. His spirit rises up (our spirits must be in charge or the enemy will clobber us) after 40 days of Goliath. As he fought the lion and bear alone, he will be requested to fight this beast on his own. It was customary in warfare then for two warriors to battle for supremacy. Achilles and Hector settled the Trojan war by a dual between themselves. What always motivated him was a real threat, not an imaginary or assumed threat, but a visible one. Here again, he fought for God and not for himself. What moves him is the assault against the name of God Himself.

He learns to fight as he fights for the sheep; He wins great victory as he fights for the shepherd.

What specifics made David set apart?

He was godly – Psalm 4: 3.
He fought for the right reasons.
He had God’s touch upon him – the anointing preceded the appointing.
He performed his duties well.
He never sought things for himself.
He was a vessel in the making as God prepared a string, discreet, caring person to be king. Everything fit together like a puzzle.
He was a songwriter. Barry Manilow said: “in my songwriting I am not attached to the results”. It is also a reminder of what A.W. Tozer said, “The Christian is not sent to prove or demonstrate; he is sent to declare ‘thus sayth the Lord’. When he has done this, he makes God responsible for the outcome.” “God Tells the Man Who Cares” – page 38

Finally, David had his eyes on the Great Shepherd, not on his own achievements or accolades.