There are many calendars in use: The Julian, Gregorian – which we use; it reformed the Julian one in 1582 by bringing Easter to the time of the Spring Equinox. Also, there’s the Jewish calendar. I want to go back to the beginning and see how God formed His pattern for life. He did it […]
Teaching Topic: Resurrection
What Does the Resurrection Teach Us About God
WHAT DOES THE RESURRECTION TEACH US ABOUT GOD? 1). His Character A. Faithfulness 1. Justice is paid; is exacted, not estimated. 2. Mercy is bestowed. 3. Promises – He said “I’ll rise …. Jesus”. B. Compassion 1. Sins forgiven. 2. Sorrows – forebears with us. 3. Sicknesses – feels for us. C. Self – Composed. […]